
HEAD-TO-HEAD: Parents should track their kids’ phones

June 5, 2020

By Kevin Garcia
Staff Writer

As a throwback to The Lighthouse’s Head-to-Head column in the print issue, The Lighthouse is featuring its final Head-to-Head of the school year on its website.

The world can be a dangerous place, and children’s safety is always a No. 1 concern for parents. Tracking kids’ phones not only better protects children but also puts worried parents at ease. The natural fear and anxiety that come with being a parent is already overwhelming enough, and not knowing where one’s child is will only worsen that.

Kids are not yet adults. Therefore, it is the parent’s duty to look out for them until that time comes. Parents are responsible for their kids and should do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

According to the National Crime Information Center, there were 421,394 entries for missing children in 2019, which shows the real danger that kids face. Knowing where one’s children are at all times will decrease the likelihood of them going missing.

Another reason for tracking kids’ phones is that lying is a common act in adolescence. This is why parents feel the need to take extra precautions for the sake of their children. Not knowing the location of their children can be a scary feeling, which can and should lead parents to take extreme but necessary measures to ensure their children’s safety.

Kids need to put themselves in their parents’ shoes to understand where they are coming from instead of rebelling against them.

In most cases, parents were the ones who bought the phones their kids use, and they are the ones paying the monthly phone bill. Therefore, they are entitled to track the devices they own. Parents do so much for their kids, so it is only fair that the kids show their appreciation by not putting up a fight and allowing their parents to protect them.

Parents are responsible for their kids and should do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

Parents want what is best for their kids and have good intentions. Tracking their kids’ phones is not an attempt to make the children nervous or invade their privacy. It is to make them feel safe and secure.

It is better to be safe than sorry. Consequently, there is nothing wrong with prioritizing the security of one’s children.

Some people think phone tracking is harmful to the parent-child relationship, but the reality is that life is unpredictable, and people can never be too careful. In fact, there are even kids who prefer to be tracked because, in case of an emergency, their parents will know exactly where they are and can help them.

It is better for parents to overprotect than under-protect because one mistake can cost them their children.

Love is what drives parents to track their kids’ phones. It is essential for them to know the true whereabouts of their kids in order to avoid potentially hazardous circumstances.

Some may disagree with a parent’s decision to track their kids’ phones, but every parent can agree that their children’s safety is of paramount importance, and they should do what they feel is necessary to ensure it. This includes tracking their children’s whereabouts.

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