
Students shine on stage at Lyndhurst’s Got Talent

April 15, 2019

By Angelena Barcia and Alyssa Ferrara
Staff Writers

Twenty-one students took the stage in the auditorium on April 9 to show off their skills at Lyndhurst’s Got Talent, LHS’ annual talent show.

At the end of the evening, the panel of four judges consisting of science teacher Mr. Frew, music teacher Mr. Lang, english teacher Mrs. Ruiz and junior Sara Fonkats awarded the top honors.

Lyndhurst’s Got Talent’s first place award went to senior Donika Daci, who sang an original song that she dedicated to her mother. In second place was junior Alexa Barreiros, who performed a rhythmic tap solo to “Twist and Shout” by the Beatles. Finally, in third was senior Anthony Hayes, who captivated the audience with three magic tricks. Honorable mentions were awarded to freshmen Courtney Benarick and Maria Gaccione as well as seniors Michael Lavell, Kara Mueller and Alyssa Ventimiglia.

Click on the image below to view the slideshow:
Lyndhurst’s Got TalentPhotos by Angelena Barcia and Alyssa Ferrara

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