
Black Friday shopping tips

Nov. 18, 2019

By Julia Glowacki
Staff Writer

With Black Friday just around the corner on Nov. 29, shoppers are anxious to find ways to make their shopping experience as smooth and efficient as possible. Here are a few tips for shoppers who want to make the most of the biggest shopping day of the year:

1. Sign up for retail newsletters and emails. One of the best ways to obtain deals is to be aware of them. By signing up for retail newsletters and emails, the available deals will make their way right to your inbox.

2. Do research. Before going to a store, explore deals that are publicized online. This will provide you with an idea of what to expect when you go shopping. Moreso, you can be aware of the stores you definitely want to shop at.

3. Budget. Create a limit for the amount of money you intend to spend. Setting a maximum dollar amount will prevent you from spending too much money. Once the limit is reached, your shopping should be complete.

4. Prioritize. List the items you would like to purchase from most to least important. In other words, decide which of your purchases are most necessary. This will save you time in-store because you will already have thought about how much you want or need the items.

5. Bring print advertisements. Keep flyers or circulars you receive in the mail or those that come with your newspaper. Bring them to the store on the day of the deal. That way, you can ensure that the prices of items are accurate.

6. Shop with friends. Instead of going through the chaos of Black Friday shopping on your own, bring a friend. You can divide up shopping tasks to get the job done efficiently. While you shop in one store, send your friend to the next store to get a hold of other hot products.

7. Arrive early. Get to the store as soon as it opens so that there still will be a good selection of items. If you arrive early, you will be more likely to find the items you need and the sizes you want.

8. Have a backup plan. Have in mind a second item you wish to purchase in the event that your first choice is unavailable. Remember: products sell out quickly on Black Friday! 


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