
Athlete of the Month: Ella Tozduman

April 13, 2020

By Rafaella Paes
Staff Writer

The Lighthouse’s Athlete of the Month is sophomore Ella Tozduman, who earned a spot as a pitcher on the varsity softball team last year.

Tozduman started playing softball when she was five years old. She said over time, she realized it was by far her favorite sport and hobby.

Photo by Lors Photography, home game against Butler High School on April 12, 2019

“I tried many sports as a child, but none fit me as well as softball,” Tozduman said. 

During her freshman year, Tozduman also played volleyball and basketball. However, this year, she decided not to play basketball during the winter season so she could spend that time training for softball.

“It sucks that our season was canceled early because of the virus. I was super excited to have a good sophomore season, but I know that my junior and senior season will be awesome,” Tozduman said.

Video interview by Jill Tozduman

She said she is working towards her goal of being a state champion during the 2022 season.

Last year, Tozduman pitched three no-hitters, including two in just one week, and started ahead of some senior players.

She said the team’s camaraderie has made her experience playing softball at LHS exceptional.

Video recording by Jill Tozduman, away game in Florida against Stewartville, Minnesota on March 21, 2019

“It’s so amazing to have such a supportive team behind my back. Even on my worst days, I know that I always have them to remind me how much I love the sport,” Tozduman said. 

She said she does not plan to stop playing softball any time soon.

“I’m definitely hoping that I will get to play softball in college,” Tozduman said. “I love the sport, and it’s just the best fit for me.”

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