April 24, 2020
By Alyssa Ferrara
Most people would think that a time like this would be an introvert’s dream come true, their time to shine.
For those who do not know, introverts tend to be quiet, reticent people who enjoy solitude. They are stereotypically found in their homes, parks, libraries and other secluded places where they can be alone with their thoughts.
While they tend to be reserved, introverts are not necessarily shy. Most of them have active social lives and love talking to their friends and family, but they just need some time to be alone to “recharge” afterward.
I am an introvert, but I’ve realized that being secluded for long periods of time just sucks. I’m the type of introvert who likes spending a lot of time with my friends and family, and when I do isolate myself, it is by choice, which explains why this extreme social distancing is absolutely killing me.
While they tend to be reserved, introverts are not necessarily shy. Most of them have active social lives and love talking to their friends and family, but they just need some time to be alone to “recharge” afterward.
I usually chose to haul myself up in my bedroom to binge-watch my favorite movies on Disney+ or sit in a quiet space and drown myself in the details of a good book.
Now that we are all sheltering in place, I wish I would have spent a little more time with my friends instead of passing up those opportunities to socialize. I wish I would’ve taken some extra time to enjoy the little moments blasting music in the car on a long drive or heading out to the diner for late-night meals with my closest friends.
COVID-19 has basically ruined my senior year, and this is something that I never thought I would say… but I wish I were back in school. I miss going out to lunch with my friends, meeting with my freshmen in Peer Group every month and taking pictures for The Lighthouse at school events. I might be an introvert, but as I wrap up my senior year, there’s nothing I want more than to be surrounded by my LHS family once again.