
10 tips for overcoming Zoom fatigue

Dec. 18, 2020

By Tomas Velasquez 
Staff Writer

Zoom fatigue is the term used to describe the daily struggle students and professionals are dealing with amidst the pandemic. After staring at a screen for multiple hours and sitting in the same spot, people begin to feel unmotivated and less alert. However, there are some techniques to avoid this phenomenon. Here are ten surefire ways to keep away the dreaded Zoom fatigue:

  1. Go outside for some fresh air. It is easy to feel stressed about homework and upcoming tests and quizzes. Stepping away from your screen and getting out of the house can do you a world of good.
  2. Stay hydrated. Drinking more water can help with weight loss, eliminate toxins from the body and improve skin complexion. It also improves focus and concentration.
  3. Change locations where you do your work. If you change the scenery around you, you won’t get as bored and tired of the same routine every day. This can lead to major improvements in your academic outlook because you will be excited to do your work.
  4. Get a good night’s rest before school. If you get enough sleep, you will be a lot more focused during school. Adequate rest also prevents weight gain, wards off heart disease and decreases illness duration. Teenagers should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night
  5. Invest in a pair of glasses that reduce eye strain. Whether you are using a computer or iPad, looking at your phone or taking a long drive, consider wearing glasses that are specially designed to prevent eye strains. The lenses in these glasses can help your eyes focus much easier. You can also wear your normal glasses or reading glasses. These glasses will help so you are not forcing yourself to look harder than you need to at your screen.
  6. Surround yourself with natural sunlight. Using natural light helps you not to force your eyes and prevents eye strains. Natural sunlight boosts a chemical in your brain called serotonin and that can give you more energy and help keep you calm, focused, and positive. 
  7. Have small snacks throughout the day to stay energized. The brain is beautiful and incredibly powerful, but it sure can be needy. The brain requires energy, which can be obtained by eating fruits, nuts and other nutritious and healthy snacks.
  8. Take ten-minute breaks when you feel tired. Whether you are doing homework or studying, take short breaks to clear your mind. This will allow you to feel energized and be productive when you return to continue doing your work. 
  9. Talk to friends and family in between classes so you get some sort of social interaction. This can help if you feel lonely or if you just want to check up on the people you care about during these tough times. By sharing your feelings, you will be able to alleviate some of your stress.
  10. Do something you enjoy during lunch or after school. Make time to participate in a sport, take a walk, stream a show or play video games with your friends. Whatever your hobby is, take some time every day to get your mind off work and school.

These are just some basic but helpful tips you can follow to help you reduce or avoid Zoom fatigue. With these 10 tips, you’ll be sure to have a successful start to the new year.