
Even in the digital age, snow days should remain

May 15, 2021

By Aidan Cabrera
Staff Writer

Covid-19 has taken so much from people, and snow days should not be among them. With all of the hardships young people are facing today, the elimination of snow days would only make matters worse.

Not only do snow days give students a much-needed break, but they are also impractical. If snow days were to be eliminated and replaced with online learning, some students would be unable to attend virtual calls. Snowstorms often cause power outages, so some students might not even be able to access the internet at home. Furthermore, the snow could lead to interference with students’ Wi-Fi.

These are not the only problems snow can cause for students. They may have to shovel the snow on their family’s property, or maybe they just want to go outside and play in the snow. The latter experience shouldn’t be taken away from students, especially if they are younger.

Furthermore, some students may not be able to learn virtually due to distractions around them in their home. The challenges of online learning are reflected in the results of a September 2020 survey conducted by Common Sense Media, which found that 59% of students say online learning is worse than in-person schooling and 19% of those surveyed described it as much worse.

Unfortunately, the New York City Department of Education announced it will be eliminating snow days for the 2021-2022 school year. This is not a decision any city, let alone New York City, should be making since travel is hard enough there even without snow.

The elimination of snow days would not only affect students but teachers as well because they would lose their day off. As adults, they face responsibilities like shoveling and caring for children who are at home because of the snow. Additionally, they may not have the equipment and supplies they need to deliver their lessons from home.

Unfortunately, the New York City Department of Education announced it will be eliminating snow days for the 2021-2022 school year. This is not a decision any city, let alone New York City, should be making since travel is hard enough there even without snow. Snow will make the students’ commutes challenging and treacherous.

Unlike New York City, Lyndhurst Public Schools will continue to include three snow days in the 2021-2022 calendar. Thankfully, this district’s students will not miss out on the wonderful traditions associated with snow days.

The tradition of snow days should live on even if it is possible for students to attend school virtually. A snow day may create a break from learning, but it also ensures that students and teachers will return to their classrooms well-rested and ready to learn on the next day of school. Most importantly, by stepping away from schoolwork for a day, students have the opportunity to create happy memories that will last a lifetime.

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