June 13, 2021
By Tomas Velásquez
Staff Writer
As school lets out for the summer, students might be wondering what they can do to make the most of the season. Here are a few ideas you can put into action to have a nice and productive summer whether you are staying home or going outside:

2. Go on college visits. Go on a virtual or in-person college visit to get a better idea of what the college looks like and what opportunities would be available to you if you were a student. This is one of the first steps to finding the college that’s the right fit for you.

3. Read a book. Reading allows you to gain knowledge and can be a pleasant escape from reality. If you’ve been meaning to pick up a book, summer is the time to do so.

4. Learn how to cook or bake. Learning the basics of cooking and baking is not only fun, but it will also be helpful as you get older. Finding recipes online, buying a cookbook or watching instructional videos on YouTube are all good ways to gain experience in the kitchen.

5. Stay physically active. Staying fit is probably the best thing you can do over the summer because it makes you feel better as a person. Whether you develop a personal fitness routine or participate in a sport, becoming more physically active will improve your quality of life.

6. Get a summer job, and start saving your money. Having a summer job makes a person feel more independent. It also helps teens develop a sense of responsibility and strengthen their communication skills. Also, it just feels nice to know that you have some money on hand.

7. Research potential careers. When you get to college you will have to declare a major and look for internships. Knowing what type of job you want to have as an adult will help you feel more prepared to make these decisions. Students can use their school email address and password to log in to Naviance, where they can access career assessment tools in addition to college planning resources.

8. Volunteer. Consider volunteering at a food pantry, zoo or non-profit organization. This will make you feel like a better person because you will be helping your community.

9. Organize your closet or bedroom. Chances are that you’ve been thinking about these projects for a while. By crossing these items off your to-do list, you’ll keep yourself busy and feeling productive.

10. Take on chores and fix-it jobs. Help your family members by taking on responsibilities like mowing the lawn, watering the plants, washing the dishes, doing the laundry and vacuuming. You can also contribute positively to your household by cleaning the gutters, maintaining the pool and repairing furniture.
Follow these 10 tips to feel proud and accomplished at the end of your summer.