Jan. 7, 2022
By Shalina DeLaCruz
Staff Writer
As the new year is approaching, students and staff share their New Year’s Resolutions:

Mutassim Abdelrahman, junior
“Work as hard as I can to get my drivers license”

Bartu Akar, freshman
“Get better at the current sport I’m playing: basketball”

Jaylene Ayala, freshman
“I’ve been struggling with going to sleep early, so I want to try and work on that.”

Alyssa Centurion, junior
“Study and make my best effort to get better grades in school”

Mrs. DeForge, media center specialist
“Eat healthy and be fit”

Isabella DiPisa, senior
“To live life moment to moment and enjoy the smaller things”

Mrs. Falco, English teacher
“Laugh more and enjoy it”

Daniel Mabande, sophomore
“Better myself as a person”

Allanis Rodriguez, sophomore
“To believe in myself more and be more appreciative about my parents and life”

Mr. Roland, dean of students
“Get on the Peloton at least four times a week”

Angel Velez, senior
“I’ve recently been struggling with English [class], so I want to get better.”