
Yoga should be a mandatory class for all students

March 26, 2022

By Lakai Null
Staff Writer

There are many ways to relax the human body, and one of the most popular is yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice focusing on breathing, flexibility and strength to boost mental and physical health. Since yoga is very beneficial to the human body regarding relaxation and physical improvements, I believe yoga classes should be mandatory for all high school students.

Yoga originated in Northern India and dates back to around 2700 B.C. The first time the word yoga was used was in an old and sacred text called the Rig Veda. Yoga was initially intended to train the body and mind to self-observe and become aware of their nature through spiritual development activities.

If all students took yoga classes, then they would likely be less stressed and better able to function in their lives.

Yoga can have profound effects on a person’s mental well-being. Doing yoga regularly can help calm you down, improve concentration, strengthen mental clarity, increase body awareness and relieve chronic stress. These benefits can help students so much, especially when it comes to stress reduction. If all students took yoga classes, then they would likely be less stressed and better able to function in their lives. The concentration aspect can be very beneficial as well. If a student has problems focusing, yoga can make a major positive impact. 

Yoga can help a person physically as well. Regularly doing yoga can improve circulatory health, prevent injury, improve athletic performance and benefit respiration. It can also increase energy, flexibility and muscle strength in addition to maintaining a balanced metabolism and weight reduction. These can all greatly benefit students and can help athletes improve in whatever sport they play. 

Yoga classes are meant to be enjoyable, so students would likely look forward to this less demanding class where they would feel assured that success is within their reach as long as they participate.

If students regularly practice yoga, their quality of life would surely improve. Therefore, high schools should take immediate steps to incorporate yoga classes into students’ schedules.

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