
Having a job during high school comes with many advantages

March 30, 2022

By Lexi Augustyniak
Staff Writer

Juggling a job along with school and extracurricular activities can be challenging, but it is an opportunity that comes with an abundance of benefits. 

The obvious reason for having a job is that it’s always good to have some money on hand to save or spend. Teenagers have basic necessities like clothes and food that they have to purchase, and they also want some money for socializing and entertainment.

While spending is good, saving is even better. For high school students, it is important to have money available for unexpected expenses and to pay off college debt when the time comes. Additionally, if a student wants to buy a car when they are of age to drive, saving is essential. Not only does the car itself cost money, but car insurance, gas, maintenance and repairs can become costly.

It is also beneficial to have a job to get experience in the workforce. Students who have a job in high school are exposed to professional environments and are introduced to paychecks and taxes. This way, when they get their first professional job as adults, it will not be a major adjustment.

Furthermore, employment helps young workers develop social skills and customer service knowledge that can come in handy in future careers. Dealing with customers and interacting with coworkers can be challenging, but starting early can prepare an individual to know how to communicate effectively with a variety of people. 

Time management is another important skill that high school students develop by having a job. Time management teaches an individual how to prioritize and honor their commitments. Strong time management skills help a person become a reliable employee who works efficiently and seizes opportunities. This skill sticks for life, and developing it early is essential.

While spending is good, saving is even better. For high school students, it is important to have money available for unexpected expenses and to pay off college debt when the time comes.

Having a job in high school looks great on college, job and scholarship applications. As long as it does not affect a student academically or hinder their extracurricular participation, it is exactly what colleges want to see. It shows colleges that the student is committed, mature and organized. Having a job can be tough to balance with clubs, schoolwork and sports, so colleges recognize that when students have a job in high school, they are able to manage their time.

Jobs in high school undoubtedly help develop a young individual’s work ethic, which is useful throughout one’s life. Having the desire to succeed is beneficial in the workforce, as is the ability to obtain and keep a job.

Finally, having a job helps teens with their self-confidence. Jobs give students a sense of independence, and they experience pride when they feel a sense of accomplishment. 

There are so many reasons why high school students should consider part-time employment, and while it may be nerve-wracking to take those first steps of completing a resume, filling out an application and going for an interview, the results are worthwhile. Adult life revolves around work, and starting early will most certainly help students feel prepared for the future.

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