
Health & Wellness Spot: Tips for staying motivated and productive during the 4th marking period

April 27, 2022

By Lily Malinowski
Staff Writer

Now that spring has arrived, are you finding it hard to stay motivated and focused on your schoolwork? If so, you’re not alone.

According to a National Research Council report on motivation conducted during the mid-2000s, upwards of 40% of students are chronically disengaged from school. Papers released by the Center of Education Policy at George Washington University indicate that students who are inattentive or who put little effort into schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curriculum and instruction.

Especially as assignments start piling up, it becomes more difficult to stay on track, which causes students to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Instead of giving up, consider these four strategies to keep up with your schoolwork and complete the school year successfully.

1. A key to success and staying on top of responsibilities is sticking to a consistent and flexible schedule that prioritizes what’s important but also allows for a balanced lifestyle. Make sure to designate time each day for chores, exercise, homework, relaxation and studying. 

2. Ironically, spending too much time on work without taking a break could actually be detrimental. Therefore, take breaks throughout your day. Overworking yourself will just tire you out and can affect your efficiency and the quality of the work you are completing. After finishing an assignment, have a snack, take a walk or spend a few minutes doing something you enjoy before you move on to your next responsibility. 

3. Keep a daily to-do list for the tasks you have to complete. This will ensure that you do not forget about or overlook tasks, and having a checked off list at the end of your day can ease a lot of stress by giving you a feeling of accomplishment and relief. 

4. Try your best to meet deadlines and avoid procrastination. Late or missing assignments could take a heavy toll on your grade, so if you find yourself struggling with stalling, talk to a counselor or trusted adult instead of putting your work off to the side. Losing motivation is completely normal and understandable, and these people would be more than happy to help.  

 A key to success and staying on top of responsibilities is sticking to a consistent and flexible schedule that prioritizes what’s important but also allows for a balanced lifestyle.

It is important to take schoolwork seriously, but do not put too much pressure on yourself when it comes to your education. Perfection is not expected from anyone, and teachers and parents are much more understanding than you may think. Create reasonable and attainable goals for yourself, and do not set your expectations too high, because if unrealistic expectations aren’t met, this can be discouraging.

School can seem never-ending and overwhelming at times, but as long as you adopt healthy habits, stress can be avoided.

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