Senior Tributes

Justin Mayewski, staff writer

June 16, 2023

Looking back on my time at LHS, I am grateful and proud of all the experiences I will be taking with me. They have all helped me grow as a leader and person.

I played football for three years, spending two of them on varsity. As a result of my membership on the team, I made so many memories and shared endless laughs with my friends. It instilled in me life lessons like discipline and confidence in addition to sparking my passion for working out.

I played baseball all four years, spending two of them on varsity. Baseball is a sport I will love forever because it has taught me about doing the little things right and learning from failure.

High school taught me a lot about relationships, and I learned that real friends want the best for each other and support one another

Over the past four years, I held leadership positions in the Athletic Training Club, Italian Club, Medical Club and Future Business Leaders of America Club.

FBLA has been particularly important to me, as I am the membership vice president and had the honor of attending state, national and fall leadership conferences. This organization not only introduced me to business but showed me the importance of having motivation and perseverance. It has also provided me with friendships that will last a lifetime.

The friendships I made in high school were among the highlights of my time at LHS. I met so many amazing people whom I continue to learn from every day. High school taught me a lot about relationships, and I learned that real friends want the best for each other and support one another.

Additionally, I am grateful for the amazing teachers who mentored me in their respective subjects and life. They are my role models, and I hope to one day be a role model to others just like they were to me. Following graduation, I will be attending Seton Hall University in South Orange as a biology major in the pre-med program. My life and routines will surely be different next year, but I will always cherish my time at LHS.