
We need to take autism and neurodiversity more seriously

April 11, 2024

By Aiden Nguyen
Staff Writer

April is Autism and Neurodiversity Awareness Month, which celebrates the range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits. With the spread of misinformation and bullying on social media, this awareness month is especially needed.

According to the Disabilities & Computing Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, specifically on TikTok, a lot of individuals are bullied for their neurodiversity. This bullying is especially prominent because of social media challenges like the #AustimChallenge.

The challenge consists of able TikTok users pretending to have autism and mocking certain behaviors, gestures or habits autistic people may have. A remixed version of the song “Let’s Get it Started in Here” by Black Eyed Peas has also been released on TikTok with a parodied name, “Let’s Get Retarded in Here.” 

These videos are condescending and demeaning to those who are neurodivergent. It seems as if these TikTok users have a lack of understanding of people who are a part of the neurodiverse community.

According to the suicide prevent network Papyrus, most individuals with neurodiversity report being bullied, discriminated against and marginalized. This may lead to a sense of despair, hopelessness and isolation. These emotions cause people with neurodiversity to be up to nine times more likely to commit suicide, as per Royal College of Psychiatrists.

What many do not understand about neurodiverse people is that communication, regulation of their emotions and social interactions with others can be hard for them. They even have trouble understanding the people who diagnose.

According to Papyrus, neurodiverse individuals also have trouble understanding doctors, which can contribute to their sense of loneliness.

According to Bridge Care, the notion that people with autism are unintelligent is a misconception. Neurodiverse people might score lower than an able person on an IQ test, this isn’t always an accurate measurement to depict someone’s intelligence. They have trouble learning through traditional learning methods.

Throughout the year, but especially during Neurodiversity Awareness Month, we should take neurodiversity seriously because it sheds light on an often misunderstood group. 

According to the suicide prevent network Papyrus, most individuals with neurodiversity report being bullied, discriminated against and marginalized.

By spreading awareness about this group, bullies on social media may realize that it isn’t funny to make fun of neurodiverse individuals. It would be even better if those people used their social media platforms to highlight all that neurodiverse individuals can, and do, achieve. Using platforms to shed a positive light on neurodiverse individuals can make them feel more welcome and help them deal with the desolate emotions they often feel.

Above all, it is important to remember that neurodiverse people are human beings with feelings who can be hurt by others. My personal hope is that neurodiverse individuals can live free of bullying and that they can be recognized as diverse and multifaceted human beings worthy of kindness and respect.

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