
Boys lacrosse attributes progress to teamwork and chemistry

May 15, 2024

By Rebecca Ruiz
Staff Writer

With an 8-7 record, the boys lacrosse team has a winning record in its second season as a varsity sport.

Junior midfielder Michael Cutola, who joined the team last year, said he appreciates the hardworking nature of his teammates. 

“Everyone on the team wants to win and get better,” Cutola said. “We are a close-knit group.”

Cutola said one of the team’s strategies for success is starting their games strong.

“We have nothing to lose and always go 100%,” Cutola said. “We only had two wins last year, so we’re [doing] better.” 

Sophomore midfielder Lorenzo Bufi, who joined the team last year, said he attributes his team’s improved performance since  last season, which ended with a 2-12 record, to several factors.

“The team gets along a lot better than last year, and everyone on the team puts their best effort into everything,” Bufi said. “The team is a lot more serious this season.”

Bufi said his position is difficult because midfielders play offense and defense.

“The team gets along a lot better than last year, and everyone on the team puts their best effort into everything.”

“I also face off, which is challenging because it is all about how fast you can react to the referee blowing the whistling and clamping the ball,” Bufi said.

He incurred a concussion during the second game of the season, which was away against Waldwick High School on April 4.

“I felt upset knowing that I had to miss games due to my concussion. I felt like I was letting my teammates down because we already don’t have a lot of players,” Bufi said.

In Bufi’s absence, junior Logan Stitzer took over face-offs.

“It is all about technique and speed when it comes to facing off,” Bufi said. “Stitzer [was] dominating during face-offs, winning most of them.”

On May 9, Bufi was cleared to compete, returning to the field on May 11 for a home game against Rutherford High School, which ended in an 8-9 loss.

Bufi said lacrosse is a hard sport to master. 

“The most difficult aspect of lacrosse is having good field awareness and good stick skills, while also using your non-dominant hand,” Bufi said.

He said players must be able to use their non-dominant hand because during games, they catch, pass and shoot with both hands. Bufi said using both hands makes it harder for defenders to guard players and easier for players to catch passes and take shots.

Sophomore attack Alex DiMase, who joined the team last year, said this season has been more enjoyable than the previous one.

“The team is very competitive and also fun,” DiMase said. “We are winning games and working more as a team this season.”

DiMase said the players know they are more likely to win games if they work together.

“It makes me feel good to go and practice and get better every day,” DiMase said. “Even if we are losing in a game, the team finds ways to come back.”

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