Senior Tributes

Giovanni Mule, staff writer

June 12, 2024

On my first day as a freshman at LHS, I remember looking around at the empty hallways as the world was still grappling with a global pandemic. Although I was in school on a hybrid schedule, many of my classmates were completely remote. 

I am glad that the following year, all students returned to LHS, and daily life returned to normal. This enabled me to meet people I will never forget and learn life lessons I will always appreciate.

High school came with challenges, but I do not regret any of them because they molded me into the person I am today.

I am especially happy I joined The Lighthouse this year because it allowed me to practice sports journalism, which I intend to pursue professionally. Growing up, I envisioned myself becoming a reporter, and The Lighthouse confirmed my interest in that career path.

Although my first published article was an opinion piece, two months later, I wrote my first sports article, which was about the boys basketball team. I had a lot of fun interviewing the players because they all presented different perspectives, and I liked finding out how they were feeling about the season.

Once the article was published, students told me they loved it, which gave me confidence to pursue my dream of becoming a professional sports journalist.

My love for sports extends beyond journalism. As a high school athlete, the most meaningful sports I participated in were indoor and outdoor track and field. For the past three years, I competed in the discus and shot put events.

Joining these teams was one of the best decisions I ever made. I loved the individual aspects of my competitive events but also enjoyed watching the team improve as a whole.

I want to thank Coach Day, who mentors the throwers, for making track and field a special experience for me. His belief in me helped me become a better athlete and person, and he taught me important lessons about discipline and integrity. 

Once the article was published, students told me they loved it, which gave me confidence to pursue my dream of becoming a professional sports journalist.

I also want to thank my teammates for the memories we have created while bonding over our sport. I will fondly remember our times together.

Finally, I am beyond grateful for all the teachers who guided, taught and prepared me for life after high school.

I will put their lessons to use in the fall as I pursue a degree in journalism at Seton Hall University in South Orange. With new adventures ahead of us, I wish my fellow seniors nothing but good luck and much love.

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