Senior Tributes

Keso Mumladze, staff writer


June 12, 2024

Having moved from the country of Georgia in December 2022, I am thrilled to have experienced a year and a half at an American high school. 

LHS has provided opportunities for me to explore my academic interests and hobbies. Selling my ATAREKESA branded jewelry at the school store taught me about entrepreneurship, and earning an honorable mention award at this year’s spring poetry slam gave me confidence in my writing.

My biggest thanks go to my parents and brother. They are my ultimate inspirations, and I would not be where I am today without them.

I also gained leadership experience as vice president of the Book Club and broadened my knowledge as a member of the Future Business Leaders of America Club, International Culture Club and Wonder Girls Club.

I want to thank all the teachers who believed in me and contributed to my positive experiences at LHS.

Thank you to my English teacher, Ms. Chung, who supported me throughout my time at LHS, as well as my journalism teacher, Ms. Pastor, who gave me useful advice and offered me assignments to strengthen my writing and photography skills. 

I also want to thank Mrs. Silvelo, who co-advises the FBLA Club and advises the Wonder Girls Club. She imparted valuable guidance throughout this school year. 

My biggest thanks go to my parents and brother. They are my ultimate inspirations, and I would not be where I am today without them.

As I close my tribute, I want to tell my readers to never give up or lose motivation. Remember why you started on your path, focus on the good, approach each day with a purpose and strive to be productive by managing your time and avoiding procrastination. Always do your best, and keep working until you meet your goal.

I look forward to putting these lessons to good use as I study political science and law at Montclair State University.

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