Senior Tributes

Esteban Ramirez, staff writer

June 13, 2024

I could focus my senior tribute on my academic achievements and explain how the lessons I learned at LHS will help me in the future. However, that’s not the main takeaway from my high school experience.

What really made high school special were the people I met and grew close to, especially the ones who have stuck around during my hardest times. I knew some of them before coming to high school and made new friends once I got to LHS. These people made the nearly seven-hour school days feel like a brisk 20 minutes. 

The more questions I ask myself, the more I realize I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’m headed, but that’s okay.

Last year, I was happy to participate in school events with my friends like prom and the physics field trip to Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township. Visiting the American Museum of Natural History in New York City with the Astronomy Club in April was also unforgettable, as was working with the Tech Club to control the spotlights for this year’s musical, “Legally Blonde.”

I remember reading last year’s senior tributes in The Lighthouse and thinking, “Wow, these people are my age, and they’ve got it all figured out.” I, however, am facing a lot of uncertainty.

The more questions I ask myself, the more I realize I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’m headed, but that’s okay. I don’t need to have the rest of my life mapped out, as I am sure that, in due time, my future will become clearer. 

For now, I am enjoying being young and living in the moment because these are days I will cherish forever.

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