Senior Tributes

Nikki Antonesco, managing editor & podcaster

June 13, 2024

Looking back on high school, I find it rather difficult to fit all my advice, experiences and thanks into one article, but here’s my attempt:

I have learned that high school and life are not all about academic and professional milestones. More importantly, it is about applying yourself, getting involved, seizing opportunities and being a kind person.

Although I have been part of too many LHS organizations to list, my four-year involvement in The Lighthouse stands out to me. This publication has allowed me to express myself creatively, meet new people and take on a leadership role as a two-year managing editor. Though it is bittersweet to leave The Lighthouse, I am ecstatic to move forward in my journey. 

To LHS’ teachers, staff and advisors, I owe them my deepest gratitude. I thank them for the education, pep talks and support they’ve given me. As I walk through the halls, I wave and smile, but these small gestures can never be enough to show my appreciation.

Whether it be joking around in my Advanced Placement Statistics class with Mr. Carucci or popping into Room 117 to talk to Future Business Leaders of America Club co-advisor Mrs. Silvelo, I will miss these experiences greatly. 

To my family, I thank them for the encouragement and laughs we’ve shared. As a child of immigrants, I’ve had a responsibility to learn independently and put pressure on myself to make my parents proud.

To my best friends, I will miss our spontaneous late-night drives to random parking lots and the race to get a sweet treat before the night ends. 

This publication has allowed me to express myself creatively, meet new people and take on a leadership role as a two-year managing editor.

To the students of LHS, try to push yourself past your comfort zone. Do not let anxiety or fear hold you back because it truly will not matter a few years from now. Do what you want, and hold yourself to the highest standard. Remember that nothing lasts forever, and everything will resolve itself. Also, please learn how to walk properly in the hallways. It’ll save you so much time. 

Another piece of advice for upcoming seniors is to remember that college is only four years. Choose a college that you love and where you can get a great education without getting into an overwhelming amount of debt. 

I’ve made good memories at LHS, but I can’t wait to start my next adventure as a first-generation college student at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. I look forward to furthering my academic pursuits by majoring in criminal justice and minoring in psychology. 

After college, I’ll be living it up in San Diego, California where I plan to earn a graduate degree that will set me up for a successful career.

While I’ll be moving on from Lyndhurst, I am excited to follow the changes at LHS and The Lighthouse, as they have been pivotal in my life for the past four years.

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