Senior Tributes

Camille Echols, editor-in-chief

June 15, 2024

When I started high school, I was a mess. I was constantly sick with anxiety and unable to properly convey my thoughts or emotions to anyone. I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and that I was failing everyone in my life.

As I progressed through high school, I learned to manage my anxiety and overcame many of the obstacles in my way. I realized I was the only barrier preventing my success and happiness and that I had to stop allowing my fears to dictate my actions. I had to take chances by joining clubs and activities because, if I didn’t, I was going to wind up without life experiences or direction.

As I think about all the important people in my life, I realize I owe most of my success to them and their guidance.

I would first like to thank my older sister, Maddie, for being the ray of sunshine in my life. When my sister enters a room, you can feel the life and joy radiating from her, and it is contagious. During my darkest times, I could count on her.

Since the day I was born, Maddie has been my biggest supporter, and I feel so lucky to have her as my best friend. I will never stop appreciating her for all she has done for me. 

As I think about all the important people in my life, I realize I owe most of my success to them and their guidance.

I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my parents and the rest of my family. They always believed in me and told me to pursue what makes me happy, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

Finally, I would like to thank The Lighthouse adviser Ms. Pastor for being an outstanding teacher and mentor throughout my high school career. In both journalism and English II Honors, Ms. Pastor pushed me to complete my work to the best of my ability. It has been a privilege to work on The Lighthouse for three years, exploring various types of writing and layout with Ms. Pastor’s encouragement.

Although I am sad to be leaving the comfort of LHS, I am looking forward to pursuing a degree in architecture at Pennsylvania State University in University Park in the fall. I hope to keep learning and growing as I continue my journey of self-discovery.

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