June 14, 2023
As I begin my senior tribute, I consider the words of convicted Australian editor and free speech activist Julian Assange, who said, “Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.”
This powerful quote reminds me that silence in the face of injustice is never an option.
Being a student journalist, I’ve been fortunate to have been able to shed light on pressing issues and advocate for those in need. My three years writing for The Lighthouse taught me to be resolute in my commitment to social justice and human rights.
Through my work in the journalism program, I’ve tackled an array of topics ranging from fast fashion to universal healthcare, always with the goal of fostering constructive change.
I first learned of The Lighthouse during my freshman year when I was interviewed for an article about climate change. This ignited my passion for journalism and led me to devote my attention to amplifying the issues and voices of those who are underrepresented.
My efforts were recognized last fall when I earned a first place award in news writing from the Garden State Scholastic Press Association. This is a hard-earned achievement of which I’m very proud.
Through my work in the journalism program, I’ve tackled an array of topics ranging from fast fashion to universal healthcare, always with the goal of fostering constructive change. I’ve learned the art of fact-checking, research and storytelling, and I’ve had the privilege of being guided and mentored by some of the most talented and inspiring teachers and peers.
If you’re considering a career in journalism, my advice to you is simple: honor the truth, act with courage and always be fervid about the stories you choose to tell. Journalism is a powerful tool, and the ripples you create can have an immeasurable influence on the world.
Looking to the future, I’ll be pursuing my bachelor’s degree at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, where I will be studying human rights and religion. I’m excited to continue utilizing my writing to make a positive impact on society. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.