Senior Tributes

Jessica Cerrito, staff writer


June 9, 2024

As I recall the last four years, I am overcome with nostalgia. Throughout my time at LHS, I grew so much and learned important life lessons. 

When I first walked through the doors of LHS, I was a scared freshman who was solely focused on doing well in my classes and fitting in. Now, I can proudly say I have transformed into a mature young adult who recognizes that grades don’t define a person.

There is more to life than academics, and my most treasured memories are of times I spent outside of the classroom and with friends. 

Therefore, my advice to students is not to rush the high school experience. Have fun and enjoy being a teenager before you have to face the real world. That said, take classes and participate in activities that move you toward your long-term goals.

Last year, I was lucky to discover my passion for accounting in Mrs. Jankowski’s dual enrollment Accounting I Honors class. Growing up, I always loved numbers, and as a result of that class, I further explored the intricate world of mathematics and expanded my abilities.

I cannot thank Mrs. Jankowski and all my other amazing teachers at LHS enough. They have shaped me into the person I am today, just as they have done for so many students. 

Have fun and enjoy being a teenager before you have to face the real world.

With my time at LHS coming to a close, I will be moving on to the University of South Carolina Honors College in Columbia where I will be pursuing an accelerated 3+1 dual degree in accounting. I am excited to attend my dream school, and I couldn’t have reached this point without my dad.

To conclude, I will share a piece of advice my dad frequently gives me: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” 

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or believe the task in front of you is impossible, break it down and tackle it in sections. Doing so will make it seem less stressful, and eventually, the challenge you are facing will no longer be so scary. Remember, you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Although I will be moving away, I am eager to see what the future holds for The Lighthouse and LHS. I had a great experience as a student, and I’m sure others will have the same.

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