
Senior Tributes

Home » Senior Tributes

71 posts

Jake McCann, staff writer

June 21, 2021 In my four years at LHS, there have been many ups and downs that have made my high school experience memorable. My sophomore year, we had one of the best hockey seasons in the school’s history. And just being around those guys was such a great ex... More »


Maya Malizia, staff writer

June 21, 2021 I never believed anyone when they said high school goes by quickly until I actually experienced it. I will be graduating later this week, and I never thought it would be under these circumstances. This has been a crazy year, but I want to remembe... More »


Ghita Kdiry, editor

June 21, 2021 During my sophomore year, I decided to take a leap of faith by contributing my artwork to The Lighthouse. The following year, I officially joined the journalism program where I was able to express myself through both words and art. Now, I am able... More »


Emily Gabriel, managing editor

June 21, 2021 I never realized the truth behind the saying “Time flies” until I realized that in a few months, I will be boarding a plane to leave for college. I never would have imagined that my last year of high school would be spent on Zoom, but looking bac... More »


Anthony DeMarco, staff writer

June 20, 2021 When I was a freshman, I remember hearing all the seniors say, “Enjoy high school. It goes by fast.” As a 14-year-old, I didn’t bother listening to them. I always thought the four years would feel like forever. I was wrong.  Sitting here writing ... More »


Alexa Borino, managing editor

June 20, 2021 After living in Lyndhurst my whole life, when it was time to go to high school, I decided I wanted a change. I took one of the scariest and biggest risks of my life by leaving all my friends and attending a private high school where I knew no one... More »


Bartosz Balbuza, staff writer

June 20, 2021 Keeping afloat has been difficult during my first full year of virtual learning. Having a global pandemic throw my life off track has taught me a lot, not just about the topics in the classes I take but about how I learn and what I took for grant... More »


Andrea Aguirre, illustrator

June 19, 2021 Being a young adult is scary, especially with all the responsibilities that come along with it. It makes me think back to my freshman year and all the activities I missed out on because of the pressure I was putting on myself. What does it mean t... More »


Gianna Alberti, editor

June 19, 2021 To think I will be graduating high school in just a few days feels surreal. I remember being the scared freshman in the halls of LHS, hoping I did not walk into the wrong class. Everyone told me high school will be the quickest four years of my l... More »


Alexa Barreiros, editor-in-chief

June 12, 2020 Wow, four years later, and it’s finally my turn to write my senior tribute, which is also my first and last article of senior year. I have thought for months about how I was going to start this tribute, so here it goes…. First, just a little bit ... More »


Katrina Hauser, editor-in-chief

June 12, 2020 Starting high school, I was anxious about what I’d do with all the possibilities suddenly available. To cope, I set the following goals for myself: earn good grades, get into college and make a few memories along the way. Don’t get me wrong; thes... More »


Victoria Niedbal, managing editor

June 11, 2020 Most of the world has been greatly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, which has unexpectedly and drastically impacted my senior year. However, instead of dwelling on what I could have been doing these last few months, I think it’s important to... More »