
Senior Tributes

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71 posts

Gianna Glover, managing editor

June 11, 2020 You would think that sheltering in place means developing better time management, maintaining a productive schedule and getting things done ahead of the due date, right? If we’re being completely honest, I still managed to procrastinate in writin... More »


Alexa Maddi, senior editor

June 11, 2020 When I heard people say that high school would go by quickly, I never actually believed them. But here I am writing my last article for The Lighthouse and mentally preparing myself for the next four years. I’ll start off by saying that The Lighth... More »


Alexa Torres, editor

June 10, 2020 Senior year is unlike any other academic experience. It’s not quite like kindergarten where you get a rolled-up certificate and cute graduation cap too big for your head or even eighth grade where you anxiously await the transition into a whole n... More »


Joe Arino-Sandomenico, editor

June 10, 2020 As my time at LHS winds down, I have begun reminiscing about the last four years. While I cannot wait to leave because I did not enjoy my high school years as much as the average student, there are a couple of things that will make it a little ha... More »


Alyssa Ferrara, editor

June 10, 2020 If you had told me at the beginning of this school year that seniors were going to spend the last three months of high school isolating themselves at home, I would have laughed in your face. Now, as I’m writing my final piece for The Lighthouse, ... More »


Angelena Barcia, editor

June 9, 2020 “This is it!” is what musical director Mrs. Ruiz always says during musical season, but now I’m saying it about my senior year. As I’m writing my last article, I am thinking about everything I have been through during the past four years of high s... More »


Brandon Ross, staff writer

June 9, 2020 Well, here it is, the day that I’ve been dreading. I could talk about anything—especially sports—for hours. If you want me to talk about myself, it’s hard, but I can do that too. During my time at LHS, I discovered my hidden talent, which is writi... More »


Jenna Freitas, illustrator

June 9, 2020 It’s hard for me to comprehend that this is my last year as an LHS student. I can remember it all—hellacious amounts of homework and exhausting pacer tests—like it was yesterday. It would be easier for me to say that my high school experience was ... More »


Kevin Garcia, staff writer

June 8, 2020 For me, high school has been an incredibly hard but fulfilling journey, and I will always cherish it. It’s true when they say time flies, so enjoy it while you can. It feels like just yesterday I was a freshman, and now I’m two months away from gr... More »


Melanie Fallas, staff writer

June 8, 2020 I am currently sitting on my bed in the midst of remote schooling due to the coronavirus outbreak. I am stuck here learning and typing and only being able to see my friends on a screen. This is not the way I imagined my last few months as a senior... More »


Robert Bloom, staff writer

June 8, 2020 It’s really crazy to think that my high school career is coming to an end. At my grammar school in Bayonne, my teachers would always tell us that high school goes by in the blink of an eye and not to waste a minute of it. I didn’t think that time ... More »